Akhil's CSCE 445 Website

Akhil Mathew

Hello there! My name is Akhil Mathew and I am in CSCE 445. The reason I decided to take this class is because I have always been interested in media as it has always been a part of my life. Whether it be through movies, TV shows, or music, media is a major part of my life and I would love to learn more about it and how we are affected by different kinds of media.

Media I frequently use:

  1. Moving Images
  2. Games
  3. Music

A challenge I face in my content consumption is over consumption of media. When I am consuming different kinds of media, it feels like I am separated from reality and put into a world where I can relax and enjoy. It becomes so enjoyable that I spend more time consuming media than I would like.

Go to Assignment 2